Sunday, 26 June 2011

jani II

the jani solstice celebration is full of fertility symbols and rituals. therefore spinning this wheel certainly also will gif you much more strength than any chemical sexual enhancers! sorry if you missed it...

Saturday, 25 June 2011


every year, 2 days after summer solstice, latvians go out into the green to celebrate summer solstice by singing, dancing, drinking beer and most importantly... decorating their heads!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

līgo, līgo!

time to celebrate the summer solstice! some more typical gifs are to follow after the pagan party...

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

gif me more money

met frej larsson and made a freestyle gif (accidentally)

he makes amazing music in different groups, check them here:
- slagsmålsklubben - sponsored by destiny
- far och son - panik
- maskinen - segertåget
very good music to listen together with gifs...

Tuesday, 21 June 2011


hmm, i do love jelly and fish, but the combination i always found somewhat appalling until i encountered these at crack! festival in Rome...

just a little rain in riga

and now the sun shines again.

Monday, 20 June 2011

12 m

really just 12 m!

by the way, can you manage to count the arrows within the arrow?


a while ago i met these birds on vienna streets

palenie zabija

smoking is even more fun now. on the one hand there is this groundbreaking new package design, and then there is also a new dance, which you can learn here.